Intervention Impact
We thrive on innovative disability-themed interventions

Access to Health
A cumulative 500 Persons-with-Albinism have been skin-cancer screened the past 10 years - an average of 50 Persons per Year. Consistently, through structured partnerships, an average 100 Persons-with-Albinism receive food assistance monthly. Sunscreens are distributed to an average 200 Persons-with-Albinism per month. Yearly, an average 8 persons with Skin-Cancer undergo Chemotherapy.

Access to Education
The ALCOZ's Access to Education program has a specific bias towards the Girl Child, and Women, and a broad focus to structure least-restrictive Educational Environments. Over 100 students with albinism are carefully selected to receive assistive devices yearly; 70% being Women and Girls. And through campaign-style advocacy, Persons-with-Albinism are engaging with the Policy and Legislative making continuum. Over 400 Students-with-Albinism are gifted ‘books in large fonts’ – to cater for low visual acuity, and this includes magnifying glasses. An average 25 pupils, termly, have their fees paid through structured partnerships.

Impacts within the Governance and Social Accountability ecosystem
This cuts through Grassroots Lobbying to Policy Making. To date, 100 Persons-with-Albinism have been trained to engage with devolved government - strengthening local agency - for enhanced albino livelihoods, local leadership and agency. Over 200 albino Change Agents have enrolled for an ALCOZ-designed course on ‘Social Accountability for Practitioners', internalizing tools around Quantitative Service Delivery Surveys and Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys. Over 20 persons with albinism, in each province have signed for, and completed a course on ‘Women in Politics’ which frames the different pathways for women into politics and leadership.

Impact - Climate change and Adaptation
This program mainstreams Disability and Climate-induced Migration Over 10 campaigns have been curated, under the theme ‘Melting Under the Dying Ozone’ - aimed at spotlighting the enhanced vulnerabilities of Persons-with-Albinism due to the climate breakdown. Over 20 communal collectives have been trained on SMART agricultural farming methods – including strategies to limiting exposure to sunlight (UV radiation).
Our Theory of Change threads-off the historical context, and power systems which has defined albinism – brutally benchmarking the nature, and scope, of engagement with life and its awe-inspiring mysteries.

At the centre of educational equity, as it relates to Persons-with-Albinism, are least restrictive learning environments. And for Students-with-Albinism, this entails a systematic overhaul – empowering classroom designs, inclusive policies and, adapted textbook and exam models.

Over 80% of Persons-with-Albinism develop Skin Cancer. And primarily due to weak health access pathways, including poor financing. Less than 10% of persons with albinism can self-finance for medicinal Skincare Products. There should be streamlined efforts around pressuring government to provide Universal Sunscreens Support.

Over 98% of persons with albinism die before reaching the age of 40 years; this is a compounded complex, lack of economic opportunities, restricting cultural norms and value systems, weak family-level support systems and an archaic public health architecture.